Friday, November 23, 2007

Baby Shower

What a great weekend I had. The entire weekend was about family and support, and a whole lot of presents. It is such a wonderful thing to be surrounded by friends and family, just when you are starting to reach "beached whale" status and be doted upon and cared for so well. (BIG THANKS and HUGS to everyone by the way!). We now have a stash of adorable clothes and usefull baby things that I can't wait to organize and put in their place.
After this Thanksgiving weekend, the BIG OVERHAUL begings. The moving things and painting things and decorating things, both baby AND for the winter holidays. I vowed to decorate ASAP so as to enjoy and not be stressed by it later when bending is even more challenging.
Sadly, our baby furniture will not be in for a little while and co-sleeper is on backorder (accross the entire INTERNET) so we MIGHT have it in time for the baby.
We are feeling the urgency now, of "A BABY IS COMING" and I am carefuly planning our remaining appointments, house projects and holiday tendings (Of which seem MORE stressful than every before). Time seems to be slipping away though it's just as exciting as it is scary.

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