Saturday, February 9, 2008

A few more pictures...

So I've been getting harrassed to send out more pictures so here they are! Not much...but since the internet was down for two days, this is the first I've been able to do.

Things have been pretty good here in babyland. We're developing a routine of sorts, but of course baby likes to keep us on our toes.

We've managed to go on a few "family outings" already...twice to eat and twice to homes of friends for brief stints. He has allowed us to eat no problem when we've been out since he is lulled to sleep in the car and he just remains so until we go home. He is almost un-bothered by noise most of the time, so noisy restaurants are a non-issue...we got lucky.

I'm getting around to writing my birth I have not done a full account of it yet. Before it becomes "passe`", I'd like to share that with those who'd like to hear it.
Stay tuned!